Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday in Wyoming - September 11, 2024


Fort Caspar
Before I moved to Wyoming, if you'd asked me to describe a western fort, this  would have been my answer: buildings made of logs, all surrounded by a stockade fence.

I soon discovered that not all forts were like that, but some were, including this one. Fort Caspar near the town of Casper -- notice the different spellings -- is a reconstructed 1865 military post. 

In addition to the buildings, which include barracks, officers' quarters, a stable, and much more, there's a small museum, all of which make it worth a visit if you're in the area.

If you'd like more information, you might find this link helpful.


  1. I was JUST THERE last month!!!!! Not my idea of fine living, but hey, back then? ;)

    1. I laughed when I read your comment. So many people romanticize the 19th century and there were definitely good things about it (which is why I set my books during that time period), but I wouldn't want to live without central heating, microwaves, and -- of course -- indoor plumbing.
