Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - March 5, 2025


Traveling Trout exhibit at Wyoming State Museum
What are these? They were part of the Traveling Trout exhibit at the Wyoming State Museum in 2013. Yes, I'm focusing on "ancient history" at the museum this month. That's because some of the exhibits, although no longer on display, are worth seeing again.

As for the story behind the Traveling Trout, the National Museum of Wildlife Art in western Wyoming sponsored an art competition to celebrate its 25th anniversary year (2013). Each interested high school student was given a plain white fiberglass trout to decorate. As you can see from these two, the results were as different as the individuals who created them.

I was particularly intrigued by the green one, because it was made from soda containers. If you find that hard to believe, look at this closeup.

closeup of Traveling Trout, Wyoming State Museum
That's my idea of creativity!

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