Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday in Wyoming - August 28, 2024


Mormon handcart
Can you imagine being able to carry all your personal belongings in a handcart and then pulling it along the Oregon Trail? I can't, but that's what thousands of Mormon emigrants did.

Their journey is commemorated at the Mormon Handcart Visitors at Martin's Cove, site of a deadly blizzard in 1856.

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday in Wyoming - August 21, 2024


Independence Rock
If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all. Some might say that, but that wasn't  the pioneers' sentiment. They celebrated reaching this milestone on the Oregon Trail by carving or painting their names on the side of the granite outcropping.

Were they thinking about the rest of the journey, knowing that it was the most difficult?  I imagine they were, but at least for a few hours, they could relax and enjoy being here.

If you'd like more information about Independence Rock, you might enjoy this link.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday in Wyoming - August 14, 2024


wagon ruts
This month marks twenty years since I first saw these ruts carved into the limestone by the thousands of covered wagons that traveled the Oregon Trail. I was impressed then, and I still am. 

What courageous people those pioneers were, to leave their homes and everything familiar in search of a better life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday Near Wyoming - August 7, 2024


Chimney Rock
As someone who's always been fascinated by the stories of the pioneers, I thought I'd feature the Oregon Trail this month. 

If you noticed, the title says Wednesday NEAR Wyoming, not Wednesday IN Wyoming. That's because this site is in Nebraska.

Did you recognize it as Chimney Rock? It does look like a chimney, doesn't it? This was one of the more recognizable landmarks on the journey west.