Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - March 26, 2025


Shakespeare's First Folio, Wyoming State Museum
Although many of the exhibits at the Wyoming State Museum are related to the state, this one had international roots. Shakespeare's First Folio toured the States, and Wyoming was fortunate enough to have it on display here in 2016. 

As you can see from this month's posts, the State Museum has many things to attract visitors. If you're in Cheyenne, I highly recommend spending an hour or so there.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - March 19, 2025


Bear made from pencils, Wyoming State Museum
How often do you see a bear made of pencil points? My guess is, not often, but that's what was used to create this one. Like the Traveling Trout exhibit I featured two weeks ago, this was part of a statewide competition in 2008.

Once again, I'm impressed with the creativity.  

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Story Behind the Cover - Echoes of Sunrise

You know there's always a story behind the story, and sometimes there's a story behind the cover. That was the case with the cover for Echoes of Sunrise. The saga started last fall when I sent talented designer L.A. Sartor my suggestions.

The first was the model I wanted her to use. (I'll tell you the story behind the model later.)

Echoes of Sunrise model

After L.A. agreed that the model would work, I suggested a potential background.

Echoes of Sunrise potential background

Although I liked the picture, L.A. knew that it wouldn't be a good background for a book cover, so she took the key elements that I wanted -- live oak trees and Texas wildflowers -- and created the following background.

Echoes of Sunrise background

As you can see, her idea was MUCH better than mine. Not only are the tree and the bluebonnets more prominent, but the stone path hints at the theme of the story - Sophia finding the direction for her life.

The next step was to add the model, titling, and my name.

Echoes of Sunrise first cover

This was exciting for me, because it was the first time it looked like a cover. 

I liked the overall design but wanted a few changes. First, I wanted the positioning of the title and my name switched, and secondly, the twin was too hard to see standing next to the tree.

On to Cover Number Two.

Echoes of Sunrise second cover
As you can see, there were quite a few changes between the previous cover and this one. Not only was the twin repositioned and the title moved to the bottom, but L.A. added the series name. 

I had only two major concerns: the twin was potentially confusing to readers, since it was exactly the same image, and I wanted my name in block letters, not script. 

Fortunately, I found an outtake from the model's photo shoot and waited eagerly for the next version.
Echoes of Sunrise third cover
We were almost finished. The different pose and the elimination of the bench next to the twin made it clear that these were two different women, and my name was in block letters.

All that was left were a few changes to the fonts, and then the cover was finished.
Echoes of Sunrise final cover

I was thrilled with the way it turned out and am deeply grateful to L.A. Sartor for both her creativity and her patience as we worked through the design process. From my perspective, this is the perfect cover for Sophia and Gideon's story.

And now, as promised, I'll tell you about the model. She's one of my sisters, and the beautiful dress she's wearing is her wedding gown. She continued the tradition I'd started of making her own gown but went beyond what I did. I simply bought fabric and turned it into a dress, but she wasn't satisfied with the colors she found in the stores, so she dyed the fabric, making her gown truly one-of-a-kind. 

What could be more appropriate than having my sister on the cover of my book about sisters?

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - March 12, 2025


Smokey Bear poster, Wyoming State Museum
Do you recognize this poster? It's Smokey the Bear (or Smokey Bear if you prefer), teaching his woodland friends about the dangers humans present.

Since I told you that I was highlighting exhibits from the Wyoming State Museum, you won't be surprised to learn that this was one of a number of posters on display at the museum during the summer of 2019. 

As an aside, have you noticed that the public service announcements on TV now say, "Only you can prevent wildfires" rather than the original "Only you can prevent forest fires"? 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - March 5, 2025


Traveling Trout exhibit at Wyoming State Museum
What are these? They were part of the Traveling Trout exhibit at the Wyoming State Museum in 2013. Yes, I'm focusing on "ancient history" at the museum this month. That's because some of the exhibits, although no longer on display, are worth seeing again.

As for the story behind the Traveling Trout, the National Museum of Wildlife Art in western Wyoming sponsored an art competition to celebrate its 25th anniversary year (2013). Each interested high school student was given a plain white fiberglass trout to decorate. As you can see from these two, the results were as different as the individuals who created them.

I was particularly intrigued by the green one, because it was made from soda containers. If you find that hard to believe, look at this closeup.

closeup of Traveling Trout, Wyoming State Museum
That's my idea of creativity!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - February 26, 2025


glass art, cheyenne botanic gardens
This is one of my favorite pieces from this year's Glass Art show at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. There's no question why the artist entitled it "Umbrella Lady." My only question is when Cheyenne will get some much-needed rain.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday in Wyoming - February 19, 2025


walkway, Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
Glass art isn't the only thing to enjoy at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. The walkway between the grand conservatory and the original building is brightened by flowering plants and the statue of a cat that seems to be staking its claim to the building.

No matter what the weather is like outside, the inside of the conservatory is always warm and welcoming. If you're in the Cheyenne area, I highly recommend visiting it.